到日本国農林水産省(MAFF) 「Great Ingredients From Japan」官網發掘及下載更多食譜教學:https://greatingredientsfromjapan.com...
日本A4和牛西冷 300克
日本富士蘋果 1 個
日本男爵薯仔 1 個
日本金時芋 1 個
洋蔥 ½個
蒜頭 2 粒
油 適量
日本豉油 1 湯匙
砂糖 1 茶匙
黑椒碎 ½ 茶匙
蠔油 1 湯匙
生粉 1 茶匙
水 2 湯匙
日本豉油 2 湯匙
水 2 湯匙
料理酒 1 湯匙
黑椒碎 ½ 茶匙
蜜糖 2-3 湯匙
1. 和牛切粒,加入醃料醃 15-20分鐘。
2. 洋蔥切件,蒜頭切碎。
3. 蘋果洗淨,去皮切粒,放入加少許醋的水備用。
4. 蕃薯和薯仔去皮、切粒,浸水備用。用前瀝乾水份。
5. 燒熱油,中火將雙薯炸 6-8 分鐘,轉大火炸 2-3分鐘至表面金黃色(用刀可插入),取出備用。
6. 大火燒熱鑊,加入油及洋蔥,炒至開始軟身,再加入黑椒碎和蒜蓉略炒。
7. 加入和牛粒、蘋果粒和其他調味料(蜜糖除外)快炒至和牛粒5成熟。
8. 加入雙薯粒兜勻。
9. 加入蜜糖,熄火兜勻後即可上碟。
• Japanese A4 Wagyu Sirloin, 300 gram
• Japanese Fuji Apple, 1 piece
• Japanese Danshaku Potato, 1 piece
• Japanese Kintoki Sweet Potato, 1 piece
• Onion, ½ piece
• Garlic, 2 clovespiece
• Oil, appropriate
• Japanese Soy Sauce, 1 tablespoon
• Sugar, 1 teaspoon
• Crushed Black Pepper, ½ teaspoon
• Oyster Flavored Sauce, 1 tablespoon
• Corn Starch, 1 teaspoon
• Water, 2 tablespoons
• Japanese Soy Sauce, 2 tablespoons
• Water, 2 tablespoons
• Cooking Wine (Ryorishu), 1 tablespoon
• Crushed Black Pepper, ½ teaspoon
• Honey, 2-3 tablespoons
1. Dice the Wagyu and marinate. Set aside for 15-20 minutes.
2. Slice the onion and mince the garlic.
3. Wash, peel and dice the apple. Set aside in water with a dash of vinegar.
4. Peel and dice the potato and sweet potato. Soak in water and set aside. Drain before use.
5. Heat the oil over medium heat and deep-fry the potatoes and sweet potatoes for 6-8 minutes. Turn heat to high and deep-fry for another 2-3 minutes, until potatoes turn golden brown and knife tender. Drain potatoes and set aside.
6. Heat the wok over high heat. Drizzle oil and stir-fry onions until softened. Add crushed black pepper and garlic. Stir-fry gently.
7. Add the Wagyu, apples and all seasoning apart from honey. Stir-fry Wagyu until medium doneness.
8. Add potatoes and sweet potatoes. Stir well.
9. Add honey, turn off heat and stir well before serving.