濃味之選: 酸菜魚鍋 (Sichuan Fish Fillet with Pickled Vegetable)
有冇人好似我, 都好鐘意食酸菜魚?
我幫史雲生拍咗條片🎞,可以去我YouTube 睇下做法,仲有詳細中英文食譜呢!
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材料 (4-6 人份)
鱸魚 2條 (約 2斤)
酸菜 1包 (切條,酸菜水留用)
大豆芽70克 (去根)
薯粉 40克
乾辣椒 10條
泡椒 10條
花椒 1茶匙
薑末、蒜末 各2茶匙
芫茜 2茶匙
油 2 茶匙
史雲生調味雞汁 4茶匙 (2圈)
薑末 1茶匙
米酒 1大匙
白胡椒粉 ½ 茶匙
史雲生鮮魚湯 500毫升
滾水 500毫升
薑 4片
鹽 少許
白醋 2-3湯匙 (按個人喜好加減)
1. 魚洗淨。魚骨及魚頭留用,魚肉切片,。
2. 魚片加醃料醃15分鐘。
3. 大火燒熱油,下薑片爆香,然後下魚骨和魚頭略煎至金黃色。
4. 加入滾水和史雲生鮮魚湯500ml,中火煮20分鐘。取出魚骨和魚頭。
5. 大火燒熱另一鍋,下油、薑末、蒜末、泡椒、乾辣椒和泡椒炒香。
6. 加入步驟 4的魚湯,下大豆芽、薯粉和酸菜 (連酸菜水),小火煮8分鐘至薯粉軟身。
7. 下魚片煮至熟透.
8. 按個人喜好加入白醋和鹽,下芫茜後即可享用 。
Sichuan Fish Fillet with Pickled Vegetable
Ingredients: 4-6 Servings
2 Fresh Sea Bass (1.2 kg)
1 bag Pickled Mustard Green (Cut into strips and keep the water)
70g Soybean Sprouts (remove the roots)
40g Sweet Potato Vermicelli
10 Dried Chili Peppers
10 Pickled Peppers
1 tsp Sichuan Peppercorn Seeds
2 tsp Ginger (minced)
2 tsp Garlic (minced)
2 tsp Coriander
2 tsp Oil
4 tsp Swanson Concentrated Chicken Stock (2 loops)
1 tsp Chopped Ginger
1 tbsp Rice Wine
½ tsp White Pepper Powder
Stock Ingredients:
500ml Swanson Fish Broth
500ml Hot Water
4 Slices Ginger
Salt to taste
2-3 tbsp White Rice Vinegar(adjust amount as desired)
1. Wash the fish. Keep the fish bones and head. Slice the fish fillet.
2. Add marinate to the fish and set aside for 15 minutes.
3. Heat up the pan with 2 tbs oil, sauté ginger until fragrant, add fish bones and head sauté until both sides becomes golden.
4. Add in hot water and Swanson Fish Broth, cook for 20 minutes over medium heat. Take out the fish bones and head.
5. Use another pan, heat up 1 tbs of oil, add in ginger, garlic, dried chili peppers, pickled peppers, Sichuan peppercorn seeds, stir-fry until fragrant.
6. Add the fish soup in Step 4, soybean sprouts, sweet potato vermicelli and pickled mustard green (with the vinegar), simmer for 8 minutes over low heat.
7. Add fish slices to cook.
8. Season with salt and white rice vinegar as per your preference. Add coriander as garnish. To Serve.
Enjoy a bowl of soup and eat the fish first, then add another box of Swanson Fish Broth to make as a hot pot soup base.
【蜜桃意大利陳醋一字骨】: https://youtu.be/yGnMu-f5CgY
【蜜桃意大利陳醋一字骨】: https://youtu.be/yGnMu-f5CgY