德國鹹豬手 (Pork Knuckle with Sauerkraut)

大家係咪開始Plan 緊今個聖誕嘅節目呢?相信唔少朋友仔都會好似我咁同朋友係屋企一齊整野食開Party。唔知大家會整咩呢?嚟緊聖誕前我會同大家分享一下 #派對食譜

今日先介紹呢個 🇧🇪《德國鹹豬手》(Pork Knuckle with Sauerkraut),好啱一班朋友邊飲酒邊食,如果你屋企有焗爐,一定要試下呢個一攞出來,大家都會 "嘩"一聲的菜式,做法其實唔難,不過真係花少少心機同時間,一年一次都值得🤪跟住我做,同出面德國餐廳食有得揮呢!人多記得整多隻,如果唔係一定唔夠分,因為實在太好味!

有焗爐真煲好方便, Gorenje 的焗爐容量夠大,一次過焗4 隻豬手都仲得 !

材料: (3-4人分量)
急凍咸豬手                1
月桂葉                        6
白胡椒粒                    10
白醋                            2湯匙
百里香 THYME          3-4
迷迭香                        5
即食酸椰菜                250g
酸青瓜 8-10
芥辣   2湯匙

1.     急凍咸豬手解凍淨,用鉗鉗走雜毛.
2.     下鍋放入豬手月桂葉,白胡椒粒,白醋,然後開大火煲,滾後轉中小火煲45分。

3.     撈起豬手並用叉或豬插在豬手皮上插一些小孔 (孔刺得愈多愈好,皮會更香跪)

4.     把豬手放入一個大密實袋,倒入黑啤,並將新鮮迷迭香及百里香碎一同放進密實袋內浸將至少2鐘或過夜期間可以不斷幫豬手按摩,令其更易吸收啤酒及香草的味道
5.     Grill + Fan 模式焗爐預熱至220
6.     浸好的豬手拿出,黑啤液留下.
7.     將豬手放在烤架上,放進焗爐用220度全程焗45分鐘至60分鐘直至表皮金黃香脆就完成。


8.     伴以酸椰菜、酸青瓜和芥辣同吃。

Pork Knuckle with Apple Sauerkraut

Ingredients: (Serve 3-4)
1 Pork knuckle
6 Bay Leaves
10 White pepper corn
2tbsp White vinegar
3-4 Thyme    
5 Rosemary (finely chopped)
2 can Black beer
250g  Ready to serve Sauerkraut
Cornichons 8-10 pieces
Mustard to serve

1.      Thawed and wash the pork knuckle, remove the hair if any.
2.      Put pork knuckle, peppercorn, bay leaves and white vinegar to a big pot of water over high heat, until it comes to boil, turn to low heat and let it boil for 45 minutes.
3.      Drain the pork knuckle, use a fork to poke the pork skin to make as many holes as possible so that skin will be more crispy.
4.      Put the pork knuckle in a zipper bag, pour the black beer, add the finely chopped rosemary and thyme, soak for at least 2 hours or overnight.
5.      Preheat the oven to 220°C heat by using “Grill + Fan” Mode
6.      Take out the pork knuckle from the sipper bag and keep the black beer mixture.
7.      Place the pork knuckle on the rack, bake for 45 -60 minutes over 220°heat or until the skin is golden and crispy. After the first 10 minutes, brush the black beer mixture on the skin surface, do this step again after another 10 minutes till the time is up. After repeating thesensteps, the skin should be golden brown and crispy.
8.      Serve with sauerkraut, pickle and mustard.



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