泰式燒牛肉沙律 (Thai Beef Salad)

Creating Thai Flavors with Local Ingredients! - Scroll down for Eng recipe 




英國嘅牛扒又平又靚,用肉眼整呢個融合東西方元嘅 【 泰式燒牛肉沙律】 就最適合不過,味道複雜卻又簡易菜式,酸酸辣辣,開胃醒神,一個好啱夏天食的泰菜!



 肉眼扒 1塊 (220克)

紫洋蔥 ½ 個

蕃茄  2個 

青瓜  ½ 條 

生菜/沙律菜  適量

薄荷葉  2 棵

橄欖油 2 湯匙

牛油  10 克

百里香 1 棵

蒜頭 1 瓣 

黑椒、海鹽 適量  

花生  適量 



蒜頭 2 粒 (切成蓉)

魚露  2-3湯匙

熱水  1湯匙 

黃糖  1湯匙

辣椒碎 ¼ 茶匙

薄荷葉  2 棵

青檸  1個  (榨汁)


1. 肉眼扒用廚紙印乾血水,兩面灑少許海鹽、黑胡椒和橄欖油醃15分鐘。

2. 蒜頭切成蓉、薄荷葉切碎,青檸榨汁。

3. 預備沙律汁: 準備一個碗,將黃糖加入熱水攪溶,再加入其他調味和材料拌勻試味,放入雪櫃備用。

4.  燒熱平底鍋,加入少許橄欖油,加入肉眼扒,蒜頭和百里香,大火煎至兩面各煎 2.5分鐘,下牛油,並不斷舀牛油淋在肉扒表面(約 1分鐘),取出,蓋試錫紙讓牛扒休息 10分鐘

5.  紫洋蔥切絲、蕃茄切件,青瓜切粒 、薄荷葉切碎、生菜切細,將所有材料放入碟,

6.  牛扒切件,放上沙律上再淋上沙律汁

7. 灑上花生碎,拌勻後即可享用。

Creating Thai Flavors with Local Ingredients!

In UK, Thai restaurants are quite limited. However, it's actually quite easy to cook Thai food at home because you can easily find ingredients like lemongrass, mint leaves, lime, fish sauce, and curry powder at local supermarkets, and they are in reasonably priced

We could find affordable yet good quality steak, I make a fusion dish "Thai-style Beef Salad." This dish combines with complex yet simple flavors that are tangy, refreshing, and invigorating—a perfect Thai dish for the summer!

The authentic recipe would include ingredients like Thai basil and Chinese cilantro, but they can be difficult to find or not as fresh. I substitute with mint leaves, which still add a fresh and delicious flavor . By adapting and using local ingredients, you can still make an authentic Thai cuisine.

Thai Beef Salad 


1 pc Ribeye ( or any steak) (220g)

½ Red onio

2 Tomatoes 

½ Cucumber 

Lettuce/Salad greens  as needed

2 sprigs Mint 

2 tbsp Olive oil 

10g Butter 

1 sprig Thyme

1 clove Garlic 

Black pepper and Sea Salt  as needed


Thai Salad Dressing:

2 cloves Garlic (minced)

2-3 tbsp Fish sauce 

1 tbsp Hot water 

1 tbsp Brown sugar: 

¼ tsp Red chili flakes/ 1-2 red chili 

2 sprigs Mint leaves

1 Lime (juiced)



1.  Pat dry the ribeye with kitchen paper to remove any excess blood. Season both sides with a pinch of sea salt, black pepper, and olive oil. Marinate for 15 minutes.

2. Mince the garlic, chop the mint leaves, and juice the lime.

3. Prepare the salad dressing: In a bowl, dissolve the brown sugar in hot water. Add the remaining seasoning and ingredients for the dressing. Mix well and taste. Refrigerate for later use.

4. Heat a skillet and add olive oil. Place the marinated ribeyem garlic, and thyme in the skillet. Cook over high heat for about 2.5 minutes on each side. Add butter and continuously spoon it over the ribeye surface for about 1 minute. Remove the ribeye and cover it with foil to rest for 10 minutes.

5.  Julienne the purple onion, slice the tomatoes, dice the cucumber, chop the mint leaves, and  shred the lettuce. Place all the ingredients on a plate.

6. Slice the ribeye and place it on top of the salad. Drizzle the salad dressing

7.Sprinkle crushed peanuts, toss well, and enjoy.

