早古味滷肉飯 (Braised Pork Rice/Taiwan Lo Bah PNG )𝖤𝖭𝖦 𝗋𝖾𝖼𝗂𝗉𝖾

 手切豬肉做的滷肉飯口感 最 有 台 灣 風 味 呢!




在英國,中式的調味料相對真係好貴,HK$10 的冰糖呢度可以賣£ 5, 1支米酒買 £8,所以我呢個慳家煮婦盡量都用西式超市買到的取代,所以呢個食譜用咗白酒代替米酒。返正酒煮完渾發呢!




食譜片: https://www.facebook.com/celiachankitchen/videos/1111459516301734


材料 (4人份):

豬腩肉  1 盒 (700g) 

乾蔥 4 粒 

蒜頭 3 瓣

薑 3片 

月桂葉 2 片

冰糖 2 粒 

五香粉 ½ 茶匙

生抽 半碗

醬油膏  4-5湯匙 /老抽 3 湯匙 

白酒/米酒  3湯匙 

水 半碗

雞蛋 4 隻 (已烚熟)



1.  乾蔥、蒜頭切碎。

2.  豬腩肉連皮切粒。

3.  燒熱鍋,下豬腩肉,炒至白色後繼續炒出油脂。(炒過可去除部分肉腥味)

4.  將腩肉撥至鑊邊,放入乾蔥於油略炒。

5.  加入蒜蓉和薑片繼續拌炒

6.  下白酒,生抽、五香粉、月桂葉、冰糖、醬油膏拌勻

7.  蓋上蓋小火煮30- 40 分鐘後試味 (可按個人喜好下糖或生抽/老抽)

8.  將烚熟的蛋去殻,繼續煮 15 分鐘。

9.  熄火,魯肉放上白飯,將蛋切半享用。


- 我使用鑄鐵鍋,鎖水力比較好,不用加太多水煮。如使用不銹鋼或其他鍋,中途要留意一下,如汁蒸發太多需再加多一點水和豉油

- 五香料係本地超市都有,叫 Chinese Five Spices 

- 醬油膏可於中式超市買到,或用老抽也可

- 冰糖可用紅糖或黃糖代替 ,但分量需要加多一點 

Braised Pork Rice/Taiwan Lo Bah PNG


700 g Pork belly

4 cloves Shallots

3 cloves Garlic

3 slices Ginger

2 Bay leaves

2 Rock sugar (small) or 4 tbsp brown sugar 

½ tsp Five-spice powder

½ cup Light soy sauce

4 tbsp Dark soy sauce

3 tbsp White wine / Rice wine

½ cup Water

4 Hard – boiled Eggs


1.     Finely chop the shallots and garlic.

2.     Cut the skinned pork belly into small cubes.

3.     Heat a cast iron pan and add the pork belly. Stir-fry until it turns white and releases some fat. (it helps remove some of the porky smell.)

4.     Push the pork belly to the side of the pan and add the shallots. Sauté briefly in the oil.

5.     Add the minced garlic and ginger slices and continue stir-frying.

6.     Pour in the white wine, light soy sauce, five-spice powder, bay leaves, rock sugar, and thick soy sauce. Mix well.

7.     Cover the pan and simmer over low heat for 30-40 minutes. Taste and adjust the seasoning if desired by adding more sugar/soy sauce/water.

8.     Peel the hard-boiled eggs and add in to cook for 15 minutes.

9.     Turn off the heat. Serve the braised pork belly over steamed rice, and garnish with the halved eggs and spring onions.


- You can find thick soy sauce in Chinese supermarkets, or you can use dark soy sauce as a substitute.

- Could Substitute rock sugar with brown sugar, but you may need to increase the amount slightly.

- I used a cast-iron pan as it retains moisture well, so I don't need to add too much water. If using a stainless steel or other types of pans, keep an eye on it and add a bit more water and soy sauce if the sauce evaporates too much.

