法式蒜蓉牛油酸豆煎鱸魚|Cod with Garlic Capers Butter with Fries


呢個法式醬汁雖然加入比較多嘅牛油,不過意大利酸豆(capers)和檸檬汁中和油膩感,醬汁味道濃厚卻略帶檸檬的清香, 和魚簡直是絕配呢!法式料理不一定全都咁複雜,也有簡單的,在家也可以做到餐廳水準豐層次的醬汁呢!

話說4:30pm 去超市,可能差唔多收工,比我撞到大減價,原價£ 25/kg 減到 £5/kg , 買到平嘢真係好開心。 兩條魚柳連其他配料£3.5有找, 這也是我其中一個 #美味回憶❤️ 

份量: 2人  需時: 15分鐘


魚柳 |Haddock/cod Fillets  2 pc

蘆筍 | Asparagus 120 g 

意大利酸豆/ 刺山柑|Capers 1 Tbsp

橄欖油| Olive Oil  2 tbsp

牛油 | Butter  20 g 

檸檬 | Lemon ½ pc 

蒜頭| Garlic  3 cloves

白酒 | Dry White Wine   30 ml

海鹽 | Sea Salt  to taste

黑椒 | Black Pepper  to taste

蕃茜 | Parsley 2棵 springs (chopped)



1. 魚柳洗淨後用廚紙抹乾水份,下黑椒和海鹽略醃。

2. 蘆筍切去尾部; 蒜頭和意大利酸豆切成蓉。

3. 燒熱鑊,下橄欖油和一半牛油,下蘆筍和魚柳。

4. 下黑椒和鹽調味。魚柳視乎厚度每邊煎約2分鐘至魚肉白色,上碟備用。

5. 加入牛油,下蒜蓉及意大利酸豆炒至香氣四溢。

6. 下白酒略煮至酒精揮發後,加入檸檬汁,黑椒和海鹽調味。

7. 加入蕃茜碎拌勻,將醬汁淋上魚上,磨少許檸檬皮即可


Tips: 如使用有皮魚柳,可用刀輕輕𠝹魚皮,可避免魚皮受熱收縮,令魚柳捲起難以煎熟。先煎有魚皮的一面 

1.     Wash and pat dry the halibut fillets. Season with salt and black pepper.

2.     Cut off the end of asparagus. Minced the garlic and capers.

3.     Heat up pan with high heat, add some oil , add asparagus and the fish fillets. 

4.     Season with salt and pepper, pan fry each side of the fish fillet for 2 minutes or until the fish fillets turns in white golden, (Cooking time depends on the thickness of the fillet) . Transfer the fish and asparagus to a plate.

5.     Add butter into same pan, add garlic and capers, cook until fragrant.

6.     Add white wine , cook until evaporate, add lemon juice. Season with salt and black pepper.

7.     Add chopped parsley into sauce, stir well and drizzle the sauce on the fish, garnish with some lemon zest. To serve



If you use skinned fish fillets, use a knife to gently rub the skin of the fish to prevent the skin from shrinking due to heat, which making it difficult to cook the fish evenly if the fillets rolled up.


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