【五香咸肉糉】 Sticky Rice Dumpling

材料: (約10隻糉)
糯米 600克 (鹽1湯匙 油 2湯匙)
去衣綠豆150克 (鹽1茶匙,油 2茶匙)
豬腩肉 100克 (醃料: 五香粉1茶匙 ,豉油 2 茶匙、, 鹽1茶匙,糖 、麻油 、紹興酒各 ½ 茶匙 )
冬菇 10隻 (蠔油 2湯匙、老抽 1 茶匙,糖 1 tsp、浸菇水 ½碗,薑 2 片)
咸蛋 10隻
糉葉 30-40塊
1. 糯米洗淨用水浸最少4小時或過夜; 綠豆用水浸過夜晚。冬菇浸軟去蒂備用。
2. 豬腩肉切塊加入醃料拌勻,最少醃4小時或過夜會更好。
3. 炆冬菇 : 小鍋下油,放薑片爆香,下冬菇加入調味和浸菇水水,慢火炆煮20分鐘,熄火焗 15分鐘。放涼備用
4. 咸蛋隔去蛋白,蛋黃留用。
5. 糉葉洗淨用水浸1小時,之後用海棉洗淨,放入煲火烚10分鐘 ,取出放涼,蓋上濕毛巾備用。
6. 用篩隔去浸糯米和綠豆的水,再加入鹽和油拌勻。
7. 包糉:用兩塊糉葉摺成三角形,先放入2湯匙的糯米、再放1湯匙綠豆,之後加入豬肉、冬菇和咸蛋黃,再加入綠豆及糯米覆蓋,將糉葉摺好繩扎好(不要扎得太實,糉子沒有空間澎賬會令口感太實或會爆開!)
8. 煲滾一大煲水,水滾後加入糉轉小火煲1.5 小時,熄火焗30分鐘取出,或用壓力煲煮 20分鐘 ,取出伴以砂糖或豉油享用。
· 糭葉有分底面。葉脈凸出的那邊是底。而較光滑的那邊是面。要把餡料放在葉面那邊包。
· 包糭和綁繩的力度不要太緊,因糯米煮後會發大些。但也不要太鬆。否則就不夠飽滿,影響賣相
· 可隨自己喜好加入不同的配料,如花生、紅豆、鮑魚等材料
· 放涼後放入雪櫃普通格保存 1 星期 或 冰格可保存2個月。
Ingredients (about 10 pc)
600g Glutinous Rice (1 tbsp Salt and 2 tbsp Oil)
150g Peeled Mung Beans (1 tsp salt and 2 tsp Oil)
100 g Pork Belly ( Marinate: Chinese Five Spice 1 tsp, soy sauce 2 tsp, sugar ,sesame oil ,cooking wine ½ tsp)
10 pcs Shitake Mushrooms (2 tbsp Oyster sauce, dark soy sauce 1 tsp, sugar 1 tsp, mushroom water ½ bowls, ginger 2 slices)
10 Salted Egg
30-40 pcs Dried bamboo leaves
Grass straw/ cotton string
Direction :
1. Soak glutinous rice for at least 4 hours or overnight. Soak mung beans overnight. Soak the Shitake Mushrooms until soften, remove the stem.
2. Diced the pork belly in cube, marinate for at least 4 hours or overnight.
3. Heat up oil in a saucepan, add ginger. Sauté the mushrooms. Add seasonings and mushroom water, simmer for 20 minutes. Turn off the heat, covered and let it sit for another 15 mins.
4. Drain the salted egg white, keep the egg yolk.
5. Soak bamboo leaves for 1 hour. Use a sponge / tea towel to clean both sides of each bamboo leaf. Put the leaves in boiling water for 10 minutes. Take out and cover with a wet towel, set aside.
6. Drain well the glutinous rice and peeled Mung Beans mix well with salt and oil.
7. Layer two leaves together, with the smooth sides up and form a cone. Add the fillings in sequence : 2 tbsp Glutinous rice, 1 tbsp mung beans, follow by pork belly, Shitake mushrooms and salted egg yolk, then cover with1 tablespoon of mung beans and 1 tablespoon of rice. Fold the leaves to form triangular shape. Wrap with strings to secure.
8. Put all dumplings in a big pot of boiling water. Simmer for about 1 hour to 1 hour and 15 minutes. Turn off the heat, covered and let sit for 30 minutes. Or cook in pressure cooker for 20 mins. Take out the dumplings and serve hot with sugar or soy sauce
l The smooth side of the leaves should be in contact with the filling.
l Don’t tie the straw too tight or too loose as you want the dumplings look good.
l Stuff with different fillings as desired.
- Sticky Rice dumpling could store in fridge for 1 week or in the freezer for up to 2 months.
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