胡椒豬軟骨炆蘿蔔 (Braised Pork Cartilage with Daikon - with English Recipe)

 咁凍嘅天氣. 就好想食暖笠笠鍋物。用白胡椒用來炆豬肉夠晒惹味, 辛香的胡椒經烹調後融入白蘿蔔和豬軟骨內,不但可以驅寒, 更有暖身養胃的功效,食完暖笠笠!

豬軟骨 Pork Cartilage | 600g
白蘿蔔 Daikon/ Turnip | 1pc
甘荀 Carrot | 1 pc
薑片 Sliced Ginger | 4 slices
蒜頭 Garlic | 4 瓣Cloves
白胡椒粒 White Peppercorn | 2湯匙 tbsp
八角 Star Anise | 2 pc
紹興酒 Shaoxing Wine | 2湯匙 tbsp
蔥 Spring Onion 1 bunch

1. 白胡椒粒用刀壓碎, 備用。
2.白蘿蔔和甘荀去皮切件, 豬軟骨洗淨切件。
3. 冷水加半份薑和葱白,加入豬軟骨和紹興酒。開火,凍水汆水水滾後煮10分鐘。
4. 取出豬軟骨,沖水洗淨。
5. 白鍋炒香白胡椒。
6. 加入 3大碗水,薑片,蒜頭、豬軟骨、甘荀和八角。蓋上鍋蓋,水滾後 小火炆30-40分鐘,其間撈起表面油花。
7. 下白蘿蔔,繼續炆煮20分鐘,至蘿蔔軟身, 熄火焗 10分鐘
8. 下鹽調味, 灑上蔥花即成。

Tips: 原粒白胡椒,在白鑊烘香才煮,使味道更香更強。

1. Crush the white peppercorns with a knife, set aside.
2. Peel the daikon and carrot, then cut into chunks. Wash the pork cartilage and cut into pieces.
3. Place pork cartilage, 2 slices ginger and white part of the green onion in a large pot, add in water and Shaohsing wine, bring it to boil. Blanch the pork for 10 minutes.
4. Rinse the pork cartilage with water, set aside.
5. Heat the white peppercorns in a dry pan until fragrance.
6. Heat the white peppercorns in a dry pan until fragrance.
7. Add daikon, simmer for 30 minutes or until the daikon is tender.
8. Season with salt and sprinkle with chopped green onion, serve.
Tips: White peppercorns need to toasted in dry pan before cooking, to bring out their fragrance and taste.


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