😷抗疫日常之食譜篇 【鮑魚雞粒五穀荷葉飯】Steam Five Grains Rice with Abalone and Chicken Wrapped in Lotus Leaf) Eng recipe
新年前買左D #罐頭鮑魚,浸幾隻冬菇同蓮子再加埋冰箱嘅雞扒,加盒雞湯同五穀米一齊煮,呢個有味飯可以食兩餐。
材料 6-8人份量:
荷葉 2塊
罐頭鮑魚 6隻 (鮑魚汁留用)
雞扒 1 塊 (去皮切粒)
冬菇 5隻
蓮子 12粒
白米 2嘜
五穀米 1 嘜
史雲生清雞湯 500毫升
鮑魚汁 2湯匙
蔥 1條 (切粒)
史雲生調味雞汁 2茶匙 (2圈)
麻油 1茶匙
胡椒粉 少許
荷葉 2塊
罐頭鮑魚 6隻 (鮑魚汁留用)
雞扒 1 塊 (去皮切粒)
冬菇 5隻
蓮子 12粒
白米 2嘜
五穀米 1 嘜
史雲生清雞湯 500毫升
鮑魚汁 2湯匙
蔥 1條 (切粒)
史雲生調味雞汁 2茶匙 (2圈)
麻油 1茶匙
胡椒粉 少許
1. 五穀米洗淨,浸水最少1小時。
2. 蓮子、冬菇用水浸軟,冬菇去蒂,切粒備用。
3. 雞扒加入醃料醃20分鐘。
4. 五穀米、白米、冬菇粒、蓮子和雞粒放入電飯煲,加入雞湯。煮至所有材料全熟。
5. 燒一大鍋熱水,荷葉汆水至軟身,取出瀝乾水份。
6. 鮑魚切粒; 並將2湯匙鮑魚汁加入已煮熟的飯拌勻。
7. 將飯放入荷葉中包好,放入蒸籠大火蒸 20-30分鐘,剪開荷葉加上蔥粒即可趁熱享用。
1. 五穀米洗淨,浸水最少1小時。
2. 蓮子、冬菇用水浸軟,冬菇去蒂,切粒備用。
3. 雞扒加入醃料醃20分鐘。
4. 五穀米、白米、冬菇粒、蓮子和雞粒放入電飯煲,加入雞湯。煮至所有材料全熟。
5. 燒一大鍋熱水,荷葉汆水至軟身,取出瀝乾水份。
6. 鮑魚切粒; 並將2湯匙鮑魚汁加入已煮熟的飯拌勻。
7. 將飯放入荷葉中包好,放入蒸籠大火蒸 20-30分鐘,剪開荷葉加上蔥粒即可趁熱享用。
- 米:雞湯 比例 1:1
- 市面上有不同五穀米的配搭,可隨自己喜好選擇。例如三色糙米、蕎麥、薏仁、藜麥、燕麥等。
- 如沒有蒸籠可將荷葉飯包好後直接放上碟,隔水蒸亦可。
- 米:雞湯 比例 1:1
- 市面上有不同五穀米的配搭,可隨自己喜好選擇。例如三色糙米、蕎麥、薏仁、藜麥、燕麥等。
- 如沒有蒸籠可將荷葉飯包好後直接放上碟,隔水蒸亦可。
Steam Five Grains Rice with Abalone and Chicken Wrapped in Lotus Leaf
Ingredients ( 6-8 Servings):
2 Whole Lotus Leaves
6 Canned Abalones (Reserved the Abalone Sauce)
1 Boneless Chicken Thighs (Cut the skin and diced)
5 Dried Shiitake Mushrooms
12 Lotus Seed
320g Rice
160g Five Grains Rice
500ml Swanson Clear Chicken Broth
1 Spring Onion (Chopped)
2loops of Swanson Concentrated Chicken Stock
1 tsp Sesame Oil
Pinch of White Pepper
1. Wash the five grains rice and soak for at least 1 hour.
2. Soak lotus seed and shiitake mushrooms till soft, cut the stems off and diced. Set aside.
3. Marinate the chicken thighs for 20 minutes.
4. Put the five grains rice, rice, diced shiitake mushrooms, lotus seed and diced chicken into the rice cooker. Pour in Swanson Clear Chicken Broth, turn on the cooker to cook through all ingredients.
5. Plunge the lotus leaves into boiling water and cook for a while until soften. Drain well.
6. Cut the abalones into dice, add into the rice with 2 tbsp of and abalone sauce, mix well.
7. Place the cooked rice in center of lotus leaves. Fold edges of leaves over rice. Put in the bamboo steamer to steam for 20-30 minutes. Serve with chopped spring onion.
- The ratio of rice to Swanson clear chicken broth is 1:1
- You could combine different combinations of 5 grains rice as desired, such as three-color brown rice, buckwheat, coix seed, quinoa, oats etc.
- You could put the lotus leaf rice on a plate to steam if you don’t have the bamboo steamer.