檸檬焗原條海鱸伴蒜蓉西蘭花苗| Lemon Baked Seabass with Garlic Broccoli Sprouts
英國嘅魚檔叫 Fish Monger,想知你屋企附近或超市有冇魚檔,係 Google Map 輸入 Fish Monger 便搵到~
In UK, we want to buy fresh seafood or fish in Fish Mongers. To find one near your home or supermarket, simply enter "Fish Monger" on Google Maps and you'll be able to find one.
Although fresh local fish (which the fish really swim in the tank as in Hong Kong) may not be available here, there are still some good options. I recommend Sea Bass, which comes in whole or fillet. I bought two whole Sea Bass, which is perfect for baking. For an extra delicious touch, you can start by searing the fish skin until crispy, then finish it off in the oven. This way, you get to enjoy the crispy fish skin along with the soft, juicy and flavorful fish meat.
Simply season with sea salt and black pepper or if you want to enhance the flavors, add a little chili flakes and lemon. It's a delightful dish to share with your partner!
原條鱸魚 2 條
檸檬 1/2 個 (切片)
西蘭花苗 4 棵
蒜頭 3 瓣 (切碎)
橄欖油 1 湯匙
辣椒碎 ½ 茶匙
海鹽 2茶匙
黑椒碎 適量
蕃茜 2 棵 (切碎)
1. 預熱焗爐 180度。
2. 西蘭花苗 洗淨後,打長切半,下少許橄欖油、黑椒和鹽拌勻備用。
3. 鱸魚洗淨用廚紙印乾水份,用刀於魚身略𠝹3 刀 (令魚容易焗熟)
4. 下少許海鹽和黑椒於魚身。
5. 大火燒熱平底鑊,下橄欖油,將鱸魚每邊煎約 2分鐘至魚皮略金黃。
7. 鱸魚和西蘭花苗入焗爐焗 10分鐘或至魚全熟 。取出,灑上蕃茜碎,擠少許檸檬汁趁熱享用。
- 如果想魚皮更香脆,可以於烹調時最後 5 分鐘選擇 上火 220 度焗 5 分鐘。
- 焗的時間視乎魚的大小和厚度,魚肉轉白色即代表魚肉已熟透。
* 2 whole Sea Bass
* 1/2 lemon (sliced)
* 4 broccoli sprouts
* 3 cloves of garlic (minced)
* 1 tbsp olive oil
* 1/2 tsp chili flakes
* 2 tsps sea salt
* Ground black pepper (to taste)
* 2 sprigs of Parsley (chopped)
1. Preheat the oven to 180 ‘C (356 F).
2. Wash and cut the broccoli sprouts in half lengthwise. Toss them with a little olive oil, black pepper, and salt.
3. Pat dry the Sea Bass with kitchen paper to remove any moisture. Make three shallow diagonal cuts on each side of the fish (to help it cook evenly).
4. Sprinkle sea salt and black pepper on both sides of the fish.
5. Heat a frying pan over high heat, add oil, and sear the Sea Bass for about 2 minutes on each side until the skin turns slightly golden.
6. Place the lemon slices on top of the Sea Bass, sprinkle with a little chili flakes, add the broccoli sprouts and put the pan into the preheated oven. Bake for 10 mins or until the fish is cook through. Remove from the oven, garnish with paresly , and squeeze some lemon juice. Enjoy while hot!
* If you want the fish skin to be crispier, you can choose to broil it for 5 minutes at 220’C (428 F) during the last 5 minutes of cooking.
* The baking time may vary depending on the size and thickness of the fish. The fish is fully cooked when the flesh turns white.