【 🇫🇷黑松露法式磨菇抹醬 】Black Truffle Mushroom Pate ( English Recipe)
Black Truffle Mushroom Pate (Scroll down for English Recipe)早前拍攝客人送了很多很多的磨菇給我
除了磨菇湯、磨菇意粉,最後來一個終極消滅磨菇的料理,做了幾樽 《黑松露法式菇抹醬》
用來搽餅乾或法包,無論早餐、Lunch 、下午茶還是帶出野餐都不錯呢!啖啖充滿磨菇的芳香和earthy 嘅味道且滲著黑松露的香味!是🍁秋天的味道呢!
呢個可以話係 #素食版鵝肝醬 呢!素食嘅朋友將食譜內的牛油換作植物油就可以了!
材料 ( 4-5人份量)
蒜頭2瓣 (切碎)
乾蔥1粒 (切碎)
蘑菇220克 (切碎)
黑胡椒1 茶匙
黑松露醬 2湯匙
雪利酒/ 白酒 2湯匙
1. 中火燒熱平底鑊, 下無鹽牛油、橄欖油, 蒜蓉、乾蔥及迷迭香, 炒至乾蔥軟身, 約3分鐘。
2. 加入蘑菇略煮,下雪利酒, 以中大火炒香,煮約7分鐘至收汁。
3. 下黑松露、海鹽和黑胡椒調味。
4. 將煮好的磨菇及忌廉芝士放入食物處理器,攪拌至順滑。
5. 蘑菇醬配以多士或餅乾同吃。存放於密封食物盒內,可放雪櫃保存5至7天。
Ingredients ( Serving 4-5)
20g unsalted butter
2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
2 cloves Garlic (minced )
1 Shallot (minced)
1 Tbsp Rosemary (coarsely chopped)
220 g Mushrooms (coarsely chopped)
50 g cream cheese
2 tsp Truffle salt
1 tsp pepper
2 tbsp Truffle Paste
2 tbsp Sherry / Dry white wine
1. Melt butter and oil in a saucepan pan over medium heat. Add garlic, shallots, and rosemary and cook until shallots are soft, about 3 minutes.
2. Add mushrooms and Sherry until the moisture released from the mushrooms has evaporated, about 7 more minutes.
3. Add truffle paste, salt, pepper to taste.
4. Add cooked mushrooms and cream cheese to a food processor and blitz until smooth.
5. Store in air-tight container . Serve warm or cold with crackers or toast. Put in fridge can keep up to 5-7 days.
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