氣炸燕麥西多士 (Oat French Toast) (Eng Recipe)
Cheer up 自己嘅方法就係食甜嘢,食完會開心晒!
#西多士 係港式茶餐廳嘅經典下午茶美食。
我呢個 #健康版西多士 仲加咗 #燕麥 同士多啤梨,燕麥增加口感和纖維,令成個西多士更香脆!呢個健康西多士一家大細都啱食 ;
而且 #伊瑪牌 呢部機有雙重安全保護,過熱同埋操作時抽出,炸鍋就會自動停機,安全可靠,同小朋友一齊整都冇問題,仲唔快啲試吓!!!
厚方包 2 片
雞蛋 1 隻
牛奶 2 湯匙
燕麥 2 湯匙
藍莓果醬 2 茶匙
士多啤梨 4 粒
藍莓 6 粒
牛油 10 克
楓糖漿 適量
糖霜 適量
1. 方包去邊,其中一塊方包搽上藍莓果醬夾好
2. 雞蛋和牛奶拌勻
3. 將方包放入蛋漿,讓方包四面均勻沾滿蛋汁
4. 然後將方包均勻沾上燕麥
5. 放入氣炸鍋,以200 度炸4分鐘
6. 反轉再炸4分鐘 取出
7. 放上牛油
8. 士多啤梨和藍莓切半放上西多士
9. 加入楓糖漿
- 藍莓果醬可以用牛油、花生醬或自己喜愛的果醬代替
- 如果不想西多士有網紋,可在方包下放牛油紙,但炸的時間要多1-2分鐘
Ingredients: (1 Serving)
2 Slices White Bread
1 Egg
2 tbsp Milk
2 tbsp Oat
2 tsp Blueberry Jam
4 Strawberries
6 Blueberries
10g Butter
Maple Syrup
Powdered Sugar
1. Cut off the crust of the bread. Spread one slice with a layer of blueberry jam, and top with another slice of bread. Set aside.
2. Beat egg, stir in milk and mix well. Dip bread in egg mixture, turning to coat both sides evenly.
3. Coat Bread slices on both sides in oats.
4. Transfer the egg-coated bread slices to the airflyer. Fry for 4 minutes at 200°C. Turn and fry the other side.
5. Cut strawberries and blueberries into half. Put it on top of the toast.
6. Serve French toast hot with butter and syrup. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.
* Can use peanut butter or butter to substitute strawberry jam.
#氣炸鍋食譜 #FrenchToast #oatmeal #oat #airflyer #easyrecipe #greenmonday #sweet #CookingwithCelia #Imarflex
Cheer up 自己嘅方法就係食甜嘢,食完會開心晒!
#西多士 係港式茶餐廳嘅經典下午茶美食。
我呢個 #健康版西多士 仲加咗 #燕麥 同士多啤梨,燕麥增加口感和纖維,令成個西多士更香脆!呢個健康西多士一家大細都啱食 ;
而且 #伊瑪牌 呢部機有雙重安全保護,過熱同埋操作時抽出,炸鍋就會自動停機,安全可靠,同小朋友一齊整都冇問題,仲唔快啲試吓!!!
厚方包 2 片
雞蛋 1 隻
牛奶 2 湯匙
燕麥 2 湯匙
藍莓果醬 2 茶匙
士多啤梨 4 粒
藍莓 6 粒
牛油 10 克
楓糖漿 適量
糖霜 適量
1. 方包去邊,其中一塊方包搽上藍莓果醬夾好
2. 雞蛋和牛奶拌勻
3. 將方包放入蛋漿,讓方包四面均勻沾滿蛋汁
4. 然後將方包均勻沾上燕麥
5. 放入氣炸鍋,以200 度炸4分鐘
6. 反轉再炸4分鐘 取出
7. 放上牛油
8. 士多啤梨和藍莓切半放上西多士
9. 加入楓糖漿

- 藍莓果醬可以用牛油、花生醬或自己喜愛的果醬代替
- 如果不想西多士有網紋,可在方包下放牛油紙,但炸的時間要多1-2分鐘
Ingredients: (1 Serving)
2 Slices White Bread
1 Egg
2 tbsp Milk
2 tbsp Oat
2 tsp Blueberry Jam
4 Strawberries
6 Blueberries
10g Butter
Maple Syrup
Powdered Sugar
1. Cut off the crust of the bread. Spread one slice with a layer of blueberry jam, and top with another slice of bread. Set aside.
2. Beat egg, stir in milk and mix well. Dip bread in egg mixture, turning to coat both sides evenly.
3. Coat Bread slices on both sides in oats.
4. Transfer the egg-coated bread slices to the airflyer. Fry for 4 minutes at 200°C. Turn and fry the other side.
5. Cut strawberries and blueberries into half. Put it on top of the toast.
6. Serve French toast hot with butter and syrup. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.
* Can use peanut butter or butter to substitute strawberry jam.
#氣炸鍋食譜 #FrenchToast #oatmeal #oat #airflyer #easyrecipe #greenmonday #sweet #CookingwithCelia #Imarflex