氣炸鍋料理: 土匪雞翼

原來「土匪雞翼」個名有段古:話說從前湖南土匪四處打家劫舍, 甚至連每戶的香草、香料也不放過。然後土匪把劫回來的香料全放在雞翼上烤, 香到幾里以外都聞到,所以當人聞到這種味道就知道土匪出沒。 整雞翼最怕係煎到皮燶但裡面唔熟,又怕煎嘅時候比油彈親,同彈到成個廚房都係油。 有 #伊碼牌健康空氣炸鍋, 為你解決依D煩惱 ,而且一滴油都唔使加都做到脆卜卜,味道惹味嘅土匪雞翼,以為都唔使去譚仔喇! 

材料: 2人份)

雞翼 1 (約 10-12 隻)



孜然粉  1 湯匙

五香粉 1/2 茶匙

生抽 2茶匙

老抽 ½ 茶匙

白胡椒粉 ½ 茶匙

1 茶匙

燒酒 1 茶匙

麻油 1 茶匙




2. 氣炸鍋(或焗爐)預熱200 3分鐘。

3. 放入雞翼,20010分鐘。

4. 反轉,下黑芝麻,再炸 5 分鐘。




Bandits Chicken Wings


Ingredients (2 Serving) :

1 Pound Chicken Wings (10-12 pcs)

Pinch of Black Sesame Seeds


Marinade Ingredients:

1 tbsp Ground Cumin

1/2tsp Five Spice Powder

2 tsp Soy Sauce

½tsp Dark Soy Sauce

½tsp White Pepper

1 tsp Sugar

1 tsp Shaoxing Wine

1tsp Sesame Oil




1.Wash the chicken wings and pat dry with kitchen towels. Mix all the seasonings in a bowl, add the chicken wings and marinade for at least 1 hour or overnight.

2. Preheat the Airflyer/oven to 200 degrees Celsius.

3. Bake the chicken wings for 10 minutes over 200 degrees Celsius.

4. Flip the wings over and sprinkle with black sesame seeds. Bake for another 5 minutes.


*The baking time and oven temperature depends on the size of the chicken wings


