檸檬乳清芝士釀意大利青瓜花 (Ricotta Cheese Stuffed Zucchini Flower)
香港好少地方有意大行青瓜花(Zucchini Flower )賣,餐廳都好少食到,要係D高級餐廳或酒店先可以食到,它是一種季節性的菜, 我諗一來對於香港人來講比較少見和接觸到 (無論超市定餐廳都好少見到),二來來價都偏貴 。不過外國尤其是歐洲地方很普遍!
但尋日竟然比我係觀塘街市見到 (我以為我眼花呢
😱),而且賣得好平, 當然即刻買返去studio試新菜式啦!

將加了檸檬皮的Ricotta Cheese釀入花入面,撲上加了啤酒的粉漿再輕輕一炸就完成!外跪內軟,再加一杯Prosecco, 咁先係prefect!
呢個真係好呃 like 的夏日菜式!
#ZucchiniFlower #ricottacheses #summerdish
意大利青瓜花 ( Zucchini Flower) 3朵
意大利乳清芝士 (Ricotta Cheese) 2湯匙
時蘿 1湯匙
麵粉 1/4杯
啤酒 1/3杯
鹽及黑胡椒 1/2茶匙
菜油 2杯
1. 預備一個大碗,倒入麵粉及啤酒,拌勻至沒有粉粒。
2. 將意大利乳清芝士、檸檬皮屑、檸檬汁、時蘿、鹽及黑胡椒放另一碗中拌勻。放入擠袋。
4. 用剪刀將花蕊除去。
5. 用擠袋把大約2湯匙乳清芝士釀入意大利青瓜花內。
6. 把花瓣包好,於頂部將花瓣集合起來扭一下用作包好餡料。
7. 意大利青瓜花沾上步驟1之麵粉.
8. 燒熱菜油,把意大利青瓜花放到油鍋中,炸2.5至3分鐘,中途需反轉,放到已鋪上廚房紙的碟上,讓多餘的油份流走。
9. 當所有意大利青瓜花炸好,可上碟,灑上適量鹽及黑胡椒即可享用。
Lemon Ricotta Stuffed
Zucchini Flowers
3 zucchini flowers, rinsed and dried, stamens removed
2 tablespoon cup ricotta
1/2 lemon zest
1/4 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp Dill
1/4 cup flour
1/3 cup beer
1/2 tsp salt & black pepper
vegetable oil, for frying 2 cups
1. Put the flour in a bowl. Pour in the beer and whisk until most
clumps are gone.
2. Mix the ricotta, lemon zest, lemon juice, dill, salt & pepper
together in a bowl. Place
the mixture into a piping bag. If you don't have one, use a zipper bag
3. Gently open the petals. you might need to use the scissor to
4. Remove the pistil by snipping it off with some scissors.
5. Gently pipe about 2 tbs of filling into the flowers. They will
swell up as you fill them.
6.Twist the top of the petals together to close the flowers.
7. Dip each flower one by one into the batter lightly. Hold it over the bowl
to let the excess batter drip off.
8. Test the oil to see if its ready by dropping a little batter in.
It's ready if the batter sizzles to the top. Fry the flowers for about 2
1/2 to 3 minutes, flipping them halfway through the cooking process. Remove to
a plate covered in paper towel, and dap any excess oil from the flowers.
9. Remove flowers from oil and place on a kitchen towel . Once all the flowers
have been cooked,Sprinkle with some salt. serve immediately.